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Mark Fogleman

2004 - 2005 CSIP Fellow

Research Interest:
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering



I am a graduate student in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering doing research
in fluid mechanics. I'm excited to apply what I know about physics and my
specific research interests such as car engines, weather, and aerodynamics to
teach students basic science through illustrative examples.

As a CSIP fellow, I hope to motivate students to find science interesting by
applying it to things they already enjoy discussing. Students who realize
that science is a part of everyday life rather than just an analytical
construct will be better able to apply basic scientific principles to their
everyday questions. I have many ideas for projects including using famous
movies to show how physics works in real life, using java “applets” to create
virtual laboratories where students can control the experiment and using a
practical question like “Should I put bigger wheels on my car” to explore
basic physics.





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